Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Definition Hardware

Hardware or that often we know the hardware is the equipment that make up the computer system and allow other equipment to do its job.B. Classification Hardware1. Input DeviceExamples of input devices:a. KeyboardInput devices of keyboard buttons contained letters, numbers, etc..b. MouseSmall tool that is used with one hand that serves to move the cursor.c. JoystickTool that can move the image / cursor on the monitor.d. DigitizerMedia used in the design that require high accuracy, such as building design and manufacture of game titles.e. ScannerEquipment used for inputting images, graphics, and text into computer memory.f. OCR (Optical Character Recognition)Used only for data in the form of text.g. Light PenUsed to enter data into a computer-shaped graph.h. Bar Code ReaderBlack and white lines that we often see the items in the supermarket.i. Smart Card ReadersSmall computer equipped with a chip that serves to store patient data and customer data.2. Output DeviceDivided into 2:a) soft copy:1. Monitor2. Speaker3. Flat Panel Displayb) Hardcopy:1. PrinterTool that produces images / graphics in printed form.2. PlotterTools that are only used for printing engineering drawings (draft).3. Equipment Input / OutputI. ModemII. Console (Terminal)III. Card ReaderIV. Disk Drive (disk drive)V. Tape DriveVI. D-DriveVII. CD-Read Writer4. CPU (Central Processing Unit)Central control and data processing on a computer.Parts of the CPU:1) ALU (Arithmatic and Logical Unit)Part of performing calculations and logic2) Control UnitSection in charge of controlling and coordinating the computer system3) Memory / StorageAppliance store data

A. Definition of SoftwareComponent data in the form of programs and techniques to control the computer systemB. Classification SoftwareOperating System / OS.Which are collections of programs that control and manage all computer activityBased on OS functions divided by 2:a) Control Programb) Processing ProgramProgramming LanguageA collection of some instruksi.Kumpulan rules in the syntax of a language.Classification of Programming Languagesa. First GenerationOriented in the machineb. Second GenerationUsing assembly language (assembly)c. Third GenerationUsing the approach prosedural.contoh: Pascal, Fortran, Cobold. The fourth generationReduced time in making the programe. The fifth generationDealing with artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence)Divided into three programming languages:1) Low Level LanguagesExample: machine language, Assembler2) Middle Level LanguageExample: C Language3) High Level LanguagesDivided 2:1. Procedure-oriented, example: Cobol, Fortran, Pascal2. Problem-oriented, example: RPGUtilitiesThat is a useful program for the activities of system resources, for example: ScanDiskDevice DriverPrograms that help control the peripheral devicesTranslatorDivided into two:1. Interpreter: translates per line2. Compiler: translates the whole programGrouping software1. Based on the functions of the device:a. Application softwareb. The software system2. Based on how to get the software and use rightsa. Perankat commercial softwareb. -Public Domain Softwarec. Sharewared. Freewaree. Rentalwaref. Free Softwareg. Open SoftwareSoftware SuiteKumpulan several programs into one, example: MS.OfficeDefinitionData is gathered and relate to one another are stored in the computer and software needed to manipulate / obtain informationData Structures and Databases1. Numeric characters, letters, etc.2. Field is a place that has the same types of data are arranged in a column3. Record is a collection of field / complete data are arranged per line4. The table is a place to accommodate the data that has a specific topic5. Database (Database)DBMSSystem that is specifically designed to facilitate managing database.Kelebihan database:1. Independence of data2. Efficient data access3. Security and data integrity4. Administrative Data5. Concurrent access and recovery of failures6. Shortened development timeUsage by database type:1) Individually Database: a database owned by individuals / accessed by the user2) Company Database: A database is created and developed by the company3) Distributed Database: A database stored on each computer4) Public Database: A database that is accessible by everyoneData ModelIs an integrated set of concepts that are used to describe the data, consisting of:a) Model hierarchical data: a data model which is described as the relationship between parent and childb) Network Data Model: model almost the same as the hierarchy, but do not know the term root and have only one parent nodec) Relational Data Model: a model that uses a set of tables, each consisting of a number of rows and columnsd) Object-Based Data Models: models that follow the object-based programmingData MiningIe software that serves to identify patterns in data that are very much with little inputERPThe software is designed to handle production management within the companySQL (Structured query Language)FIND OUT MORE SPECIFIC DATA COMMUNICATIONS
Definition of NetworkIe the set of interconnecting a number of autonomous computersKnow the types of cues1. Analog CuesContinuous gesture that carries information by changing the characteristics of wave2. Digital cuesDiscrete cues which consists of two stateSpectrum InformationCues states that exist in the frequency range of cuesSerial and Parallel Transmission1) Serial TransmissionAt any given time only 1 bits are sent alternately2) Parallel TransmissionA number of bits transmitted per timeConfiguring Communication Patha) Point to point (Point to Point)Connect two devices that want to communicate that is applied on two computers that communicateb) Multititik (Multipoint)Relationship that allows a path can be used by a number of communicatingDirection of Transmission1. Simplex is one-way signal flow2. Half-duplex two-way relationship that is conducted alternately3. Full-duplex two-way relationship is performed in conjunctionMethod of Transmission1. Asynchronous transmission, transmit data per character2. Synchronous transmission, sending data per blockMultiplexingIe the process of sending signals through a transmission, it can be done with the technique:a. FDM (Frequency-Division Multiplexing)Broadband communication medium (lane width)b. TDM (Time-Division Multiplexing)Baseband communication media (narrow lane)Transmission medium1. Wired Media:a) Thicknet Coaxial Cabelb) Thinnet Coaxial Cabel2. Not Wired Mediaa) Mikrogelombangb) Satellitec) Radio Wavesd) Infra RedComputer Networking1. Benefits of computer networks:a. Sharing hardwareb. Share a program or datac. Speed ​​Communicating Supportingd. Facilitate access to informationClassification of Computer Network1. Of geographic computer:a. LAN: privately owned networks within a buildingb. MAN: LAN version with a range of 10-45 kmc. WAN: covering large areas, such as countries and continentsNetwork TopologyThe term to parse where computers are connected in a network. Topology is divided:a) Physical topology, for example: linear busb) Ring, for example: ring topologyc) Star, for example: the star topologyd) Tree TopologyCommunication ProtocolMeans used to exchange data between two network systemsInter-Network InterconnectionRelations between the two networks with specialized tools such as: NIC, HUB, Repeater, etc..

Definition of InternetInternet is a network of interconnected computers. Media used to cable, satellite or radio frequency channel. Language of communication on the internet called protocols. The protocol used is TCP / IP (Transmission Contol Protocol / Internet Protocol).Short history of the internetInternet began in 1969 as the ARPANET, which was built by ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency). At first internet only text-based services that include remote access, email / messaging, and newsgroups / usenet.Layanan-based graphics such as the world wide web was still no . Internet progress occurred in 1990 when the world wide web successfully developed by the CERN particle physics laboratory in Switzerland.How to access the InternetMany ways to access the Internet such as in the cafe, interbet facilities in the company or campus, as well as by subscription.Internet facilities1. E-mail2. Newsgroups3. Mailing List4. IRC5. Telnet6. FTP7. Gopher8. Archie9. Veronica10. WAISElectronic LettersMore we know called E-mails, many dignakan because it is easy to send and arrives faster.Contents E-mail:1) To: E-mail address stated2) Cc: stands for carbon copy dati, expressed E-mail addresses of others who have copies of letters
Definition Web and BrowsingWeb is a hypertext facility to display the data in the form of images, animation, text, sound and other multimedia are mutually connected, while Browsing merupakn information search activities by venturing into various sites. Browsing is a public service on the Internet. Some common browsers such as Netscape Navigator / Netscape comunicator, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc..WWW is a service that most often we use for development is very rapid and with this service we may receive information in various formats (multimedia). To access the www use a web client program called a web browser or a browser. To search for an information or browse the website, we can reach the destination address of the website or with the search engines (Search Engine).Structure of a Web AddressExample:http://www.friendster.com/Description:1. http:Service transfer used on the web, in addition to the HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) also exist FTP (File Transfer Protocol).2. www: Alamt information on the Internet, WWW (World Wide Web)3. Friendster.com: address of the destination or the information we want on the internet.Websites and WebhostingWe often refer to the Website or the site is a place on the internet who has access to all users and can exchange documents with how to connect a network with one another through a communication network.Webhosting is a place where one can store sata on a web server and the data is connected to the internet with the aim c
an be accessed by other users.

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